Mostafizur Rahman


Profile Summary:

  • More than 10 years of work experience in Object Oriented Design, Modeling, Programming and Testing in PHP, JSON, XML and Relational Databases.
  • Experience in all phases of the software development life cycle.
  • Expertise in Object Oriented Programming using PHP and PHP-related technologies.
  • Proficiency in developing secure web applications and server-side development using ORM – Doctrine, ActiveRecord, Django, AJAX, JavaScript, XML, XSLT, CSS, HTML, MySql, and various Design Patterns.
  • Hands-on experience with databases, including Oracle, PL/SQL and MySql involving stored procedures, triggers, functions, indexes, and packages.
  • Working knowledge of XML Technologies JAXP (DOM and SAX parsers).
  • Expertise in developing applications based on Codeigniter and Laravel
  • Experience in using the Object Relational Mapping tool Doctrine, ActiveRecord
  • Experience in open source rich internet application framework Flex 3.0, Flex Builder, Action Script and Knowledge in Open Laszlo, JavaScript library JSON.
  • Hands-on the tools such as NetBeans, PHPStorm, RAD, Textpad, Xml SPY, SQLYOG, Rational Rose, Linux vi editor, etc.
  • Worked extensively on various flavors of UNIX operating systems like Linux, Solaris.
  • Hands-on experience in VPN, Putty, WinSCP, VNCviewer, etc.
  • Experienced in writing ANT scripts to build and deploy PHP applications.
  • Hands-on experience in project management tools like Asana, Trello and JIRA.
  • Programming experience in UNIX Shell Script.
  • Strong analytical skills with ability to quickly understand client’s business needs.
  • Involved in meetings to gather information and requirements from the clients.
  • Research-oriented, motivated, proactive, self-starter with strong technical, analytical and interpersonal skills.

Technical Skill Expertise:

Programming Languages Python, PHP, C, C++, XML, SQL, PL/SQL, VB, Unix Shell Script
Web/XML Technologies HTML, DHTML, CSS, JavaScript, AJAX, DOM, XML, XSLT, XPATH
Frameworks Django, Laravel, CodeIgniter, Symfony, CakePHP
Tools & Utilities NetBeans, PHPStorm, Dreamweaver, Textpad, CuteFTP, winSCP, VSS, Toad, SQLYog
Application/Web Servers Apache, Nginx.
RDBMS MySQL 5.0, MariaDB 10.6, PostgreSQL, NoSQL,
Source Control GIT, SVN
Design Patterns Singleton, Session Facade, Factory, Service Locator, Value List Handler, Transfer Object, Front Controller, DAO, Iterator, Command, Observer
Operating Systems Mac, Windows 9x/2000/XP, Linux, UNIX, Sun Solaris

Professional Work Experience:

Software Engineer, sBIT Inc

Project: Training Institute ERP

Training Institute ERP is a client project where the participants can apply for enrollment, client can generate an eligible list, accept payment from participants, enroll, participate in online exams,  submit courses works, and publish results.


  • Extensively worked on front-end, business, and persistence tiers using the PHP and CodeIgniter frameworks.
  • Involved in design, development and testing phases of project.
  • Involved in design, analysis and architectural meetings. Created Architecture Diagrams, and Flow Charts using Microsoft Visio.
  • Followed Agile software development practice paired programming, test driven development and scrum status meetings.
  • Developed use case diagrams, class diagrams, database tables, and mapping between relational database tables and object-oriented PHP objects using CodeIgniter.
  • Responsible for co-ordinate with the project owner team.
  • Extensively used CodeIgniter class concepts like inheritance and association mappings.
  • Developed very rich user interface with bootstrap for template design.
  • Involved in design and development of web services using RESTful API.
  • Used PHPUnit to test persistence and service tiers.
  • Used NetBeans Integrated Development Environment (IDE) in entire project development.
  • Worked on tools like Microsoft VISIO, and JIRA for bug tracking.

Software Engineer, Pantheon Systems, Inc


The primary responsibility is to provide technical guidance and platform information to customers. This includes reviewing log files, New Relic data, and codebase structure/contents and identifying potential points of failure and areas of improvement. Additionally, you will be involved in:

  • Contribute to documentation
  • Assist with testing Pantheon products and tools (i.e., Terminus, Quicksilver)
  • Maintain and enhance Customer Relationships
  • Provide CMS expertise to new and existing customer groups
  • Acte as the critical liaison between our clients and our internal teams to enhance the customer experience so that everyone gets the most out of the company’s services

Software Engineer, Axway Inc.


  • Supported our Enterprise Mobile Application Development Platform, including our cross-platform Application SDK, Automated Testing, Performance Management, API Integrations, and Real-Time Analytics over the phone, online forums and through our Web-based case management system
  • Worked closely with our engineering and product management teams
  • Was an expert developer resource to our largest customers on some of the highest-profile mobile applications in the world
  • Wrote code samples, articles and tutorials for developers that demonstrate best practices and workarounds for common issues
  • Developed and tested modules, wrappers and other extensions for Titanium and the Appcelerator Enterprise Platform.
  • Worked with a geographically distributed Customer Support team

Educational Qualification:

  1. Sc. (Eng.) in CSE, Daffodil International University, Dhaka, BD
  2. Sc. (Eng.) in CSE, Khulna University Of Engineering & Technology, Khulna, BD

Professional Certification/Training:

PCAP-31-03 – PCAP – Certified Associate in Python Programming
Udemy: The Complete WordPress Theme Development Course