How to Add a Facebook Giveaway in WordPress to Boost Engagement

Do you want to add a Facebook giveaway in WordPress to boost engagement?

A contest can get more people to visit your Facebook page and interact with your content. If these people like what they see, they even decide to start following your page or group.

In this guide, we’ll show you how to easily add a Facebook giveaway in WordPress to boost engagement, and get some extra followers.

Why Run a Facebook Giveaway in WordPress?

Social media contests can help you reach a new audience and grow your following across different plaforms.

However, unlike some other platforms, Facebook doesn’t allow you to offer a prize for liking or following your page. This is a big problem if your goal is to get more Facebook followers.

The good news is that the guidelines don’t stop you from asking people to visit your Facebook page or interact with a particular post.

For example, visitors might enter a contest by liking your most recent Facebook post or commenting on a picture.

This can get more traffic to your group and will boost engagement for a particular post on your Facebook page. If your page has lots of great content then these people may even decide to follow your page.

In this way, you can grow your Facebook following without breaking any rules.

If you use a flexible giveaway plugin, then you can often add multiple entry methods to a single competition. For example, visitors may be able to enter your contest by liking your Facebook post or subscribing to your email newsletter.

This means you can still get the person’s contact information and do lead generation, even if they choose not to follow you on Facebook.

Running a Facebook Giveaway in WordPress

The easiest way to run a Facebook contest in WordPress is by using RafflePress. It’s the best WordPress giveaway plugin and lets you create all kinds of competitions using a simple drag-and-drop editor.

You can add a prize photo, schedule the start and end times, choose a winner at random, and use templates to quickly launch new giveaway campaigns.

RafflePress comes with social entry methods so you can direct users to your Facebook page. You can also have multiple entry methods and make certain methods mandatory so anyone who wants to join the contest must engage with your Facebook content in some way.

RafflePress also comes with social logins and integrates with the most popular email marketing platforms, so you can also use them to grow your email list faster.

With that said, let’s create your first Facebook giveaway campaign using RafflePress.

Step 1. Creating Your First Facebook Giveaway Campaign

The first thing you need to do is install and activate the RafflePress plugin. For more details, see our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Note: There is a free version of RafflePress that has everything you need to create a simple giveaway in WordPress. However, in this guide, we’ll be using the premium plugin since it has more features, templates, and giveaway actions including entry methods that allow you to create a photo contest in WordPress.

The first thing you need to do is install and activate the RafflePress plugin. For more details, see our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you’ll see the RafflePress welcome screen in the WordPress dashboard. You can now go ahead and enter your license key.

You’ll find this information in your account on the RafflePress website. After that, click on the ‘Verify Key’ button.

Now, you’re ready to create a Facebook giveaway in WordPress by going to RafflePress » Add New.

On the next screen, you’ll need to give your Facebook contest a name.

You can use anything you want, but it’s a good idea to choose a name that helps you identify the Facebook giveaway in the WordPress dashboard.

Next, choose the template that you want to use. RafflePress has ready-made templates for specific goals such as running a social media contest to grow your site.

You can select the template that best suits your goals, but for this guide, we’ll be using the ‘Classic Giveaway’ template as it lets us create a Facebook giveaway from scratch.

Simply hover your mouse over the ‘Classic Giveaway’ template and then click on the ‘Use this Template’ button when it appears.

This opens the template in RafflePress’ drag-and-drop builder.

We’re going to start by adding the prize to our Facebook contest. Simply click to select the headline area, which shows ‘My Awesome Prize’ by default.

You can now go ahead and type a title into the ‘Name’ field. To encourage visitors to enter the Facebook contest, you’ll typically want to talk about your prize in the headline.

After that, type in a description, which will appear below the headline. For example, you may want to add some more information about your competition, such as why visitors will want the prize, how much it’s worth, and why you’re running the Facebook giveaway.

It’s also smart to add a photo of the prize, so people can see what’s on offer just by glancing at the giveaway. If your prize is digital then you can easily create professional-looking images to promote your prize using web design software such as Canva.

To add a photo or graphic, simply click on ‘Select Image’ and then either choose a file from the WordPress media library or upload a new image from your computer.

Once you’ve done that, you can set the start and end date for the Facebook giveaway. If you plan to run lots of contests, then it’s a good idea to schedule them in advance as it guarantees that the competition will start and end on time, no matter how busy you get.

By scheduling your Facebook contest in advance, you’ll also have time to promote the giveaway properly. This helps you build a sense of excitement and anticipation before the contest goes live.

To schedule the Facebook giveaway, simply enter a date and time into the ‘Giveaway starts…’ and ‘Giveaway ends…’ sections.

When you’ve finished making changes to this section, click on the ‘Done Editing’ button.

Step 2. Adding More Actions to Your Facebook Giveaway

Now let’s add some actions, which are the ways that visitors can participate in the contest, such as subscribing to your podcast, joining your email newsletter, or visiting a WooCommerce product on your online store.

To see the different actions that you can add to your Facebook contest, click on ‘Actions.’

To add an action to your giveaway, simply give it a click.

Since we want to boost Facebook engagement, you’ll want to add actions such as Visit us on Facebook, Like our Page, View a Facebook Post / Video, or Share on Facebook.

Giving visitors multiple ways to participate can get you more entries, so you may want to add multiple actions.

There may also be some people who complete all the actions in order to give themselves the best possible chance of winning. In this way, you can get lots of Facebook engagement from a single participant.

Even though we want to boost engagement on Facebook, you may want to consider adding some entry methods that aren’t related to Facebook. This will allow more people to enter your contest, including people who don’t have a Facebook account.

After adding an action, click to select that action in the giveaway preview. You can now configure the action using the settings in the left-hand menu.

For example, if you’re adding the ‘Visit us on Facebook’ action, then you’ll need to enter your page’s URL into the ‘Facebook Page URL’ field.

Similarly, if you’re using ‘View Facebook Post / Video’ then you’ll need to enter the URL of the post or video that you want people to visit.

Each action also has some basic settings. You can type in a title, make an action mandatory, and even allow users to submit daily entries.

After that, you need to assign a value to the action, which is the number of entries users will earn for performing that action. By default, all actions are worth 1 entry.

If you have several entry methods, then you can use the value settings to make certain methods more attractive to visitors. For example, if your goal is to get more Facebook followers then you might make the ‘Like our Page’ action worth 2 entries.

Once you’ve filled in these settings, you can click on the ‘Add Actions’ tab and add more entry methods to your competition.

It’s also a good idea to arrange your actions based on your campaign goals. For example, if you want to get more shares, then we recommend placing the ‘Share on Facebook’ action at the very top of the ‘Entry Methods’ list.

Simply hover over the action in the editor and then grab the dotted button that appears to the left of the action. Then, move the entry method using drag and drop.

When you’re happy with how the Facebook giveaway is set up, don’t forget to click on ‘Save’ to store your changes.

Step 3: Design your Facebook Giveaway to Stand out

Now that your Facebook giveaway is set up, you can change how the contest looks.

Simply switch to the ‘Design’ tab, and you will see options to select a new button color, change the fonts, and more.

RafflePress lets you embed the Facebook contest in a page or post, or publish it as a separate landing page.

If you’re going to post your Facebook giveaway as a standalone page, then you can add a background image or change the background color.

To add an image, scroll to the ‘Background Image’ section and click on ‘Select Image.’ You can now either choose an image from the media library or upload a new file.

Another option is to change the background color by clicking on ‘Page Background Color.’

You can now make your selection from the popup that appears.

When you’re happy with how the giveaway looks, click on ‘Save’ to store your changes.

Step 4. Fine Tuning Your Giveaway Settings

Now that your giveaway looks great, let’s check its settings by switching to the ‘Settings’ tab.

Most of these settings are self-explanatory, but we’ll go through them one by one. First, we’ll look at the ‘General’ settings.

Here, you can set the basic options for your giveaway including whether you’ll show the giveaway winners and the total number of entries.

Next, you can create the rules for joining the Facebook giveaway by selecting the ‘Giveaway Rules’ tab.

RafflePress comes with a Rules Generator that will create rules for your campaign using a sample template. To get started, click on the ‘General Rules’ button.

This will open a form where you can type in some information about the Facebook contest.

In most cases, you or your company will be the contest’s sponsor. This means you’ll need to type in your company name and your business email address.

RafflePress will then use this information to create some basic rules for the giveaway.

Every area has its own rules about Facebook contests, so it’s a good idea to review these automatically generated rules and add any missing information.

If you’re using the contest to do lead generation or get more email subscribers, then it’s a good idea to only accept entries from people who verify their email addresses.

To do that, select the ‘Email Verification’ tab and then click on the ‘Contest must Confirm Their Email’ toggle to turn it from ‘No’ to ‘Yes.’

You can also use these settings to change the verification email that users will get when they enter your giveaway.

If you want to add Google Analytics or other tracking codes like Facebook pixel, then RafflePress allows you to track users who have successfully entered your giveaway.

To do this, click on the ‘Success Tracking’ tab and then add your Google Analytics script or Facebook retargeting pixel code.

When a visitor enters your Facebook contest, it’s not the end of the process. You may want to redirect the person to a thank you page, your top-performing blog, or some other page.

To create a redirect, select the ‘Success Redirect’ tab and then click the ‘Enable Success Redirect’ toggle.

In the ‘Redirect URL’ field, type in the URL where you want to send participants.

Since we’re creating a Facebook giveaway, you may want to give visitors the option to enter your contest using their Facebook accounts. This can be quicker and easier than asking them to type in their email address, so this may get you some more entries.

To enable Facebook login for your contest, simply select the ‘Social Logins’ tab and then click to enable the ‘Allow logging…’ toggle.

After that, click on the ‘GDPR’ tab. The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) is a European Union (EU) law that gives EU citizens more control over their personal data.

If you break GDPR then you could get a fine or even jail time. To help you comply with GDPR, RafflePress can ask for the visitor’s consent before they enter your giveaway.

To add this checkbox, simply click on the ‘GDPR Consent’ toggle to turn it from ‘No’ to ‘Yes.’

RafflePress has a default GDPR disclaimer that it will show to visitors, but you can edit the disclaimer to add any missing information. For more information on the topic, see our ultimate guide to WordPress and GDRP compliance.

Spammers and bots can make it harder to achieve your contest’s goals. With that in mind, you may want to protect your Facebook giveaway with an invisible recaptcha.

Regular captchas usually ask users to complete a puzzle, which makes it more difficult for visitors to enter your Facebook giveaway. The good news is that invisible recaptchas run in the background so you can block spammers without adding friction to the user experience.

To add an invisible recaptcha to your Facebook contest, click on the ‘Repatcha’ tab. After that, activate the ‘Enable Invisible Recaptcha’ toggle.

For more information, see our guide on how to add recaptcha to WordPress.

When you’re happy with how the Facebook contest is set up, click on the ‘Save’ button to store your changes.

Step 5. Add Your Facebook Giveaway to a WordPress Post or Page

There are a few different ways to add a RafflePress giveaway to your WordPress website.

You can add the contest to any page or post using the RafflePress block. This is a great choice if you want to embed the Facebook contest in a blog post or other page.

To start, simply open the page or post where you want to include the giveaway. Then, click on the ‘+’ button and type in ‘RafflePress.’ You can then select the right block when it appears.

After adding the block, open the dropdown and choose the Facebook giveaway you created earlier. The RafflePress block will now load a preview of your giveaway widget inside the WordPress block editor.

You can then either publish or update the page to make the contest live on your WordPress blog or website.

You can also add the giveaway to any page, post, or widget-ready area using the shortcode. This is particularly useful if you want to show the Facebook contest in a sidebar widget so that it appears across your website.

In the RafflePress giveaway editor, go ahead and click on the ‘Publish’ tab. From here, click on ‘WordPress Shortcode’ and RafflePress will show the shortcode you can use.

Simply copy the code and then add it to any page, post, or widget-ready area. For more details, please see our guide on how to add a shortcode in WordPress.

Another option is to create a giveaway landing page. This is a great option if you want a standalone page that you can easily share on social media or add to your email newsletter.

In the RafflePress editor, select the ‘Publish’ tab. Then, choose ‘Giveaway Landing Page’ and select the ‘Click here…’ link.

In ‘Page Permalink,’ type in the URL where you want to publish your giveaway landing page.

After that, simply click on the ‘View’ button.

RafflePress will now publish your giveaway as a landing page.

If you’re using the SeedProd page builder plugin, then you can design a landing page using ready-made templates, blocks, and a drag and drop editor. You can then add your giveaway using a special Giveaway block.

This block integrates with RafflePress, so you can simply drag and drop it onto the page.

Then, choose the RafflePress giveaway you created earlier.

SeedProd will now show the giveaway inside your beautifully designed landing page.

For more information on SeedProd, please see our step by step guide on how to create a landing page in WordPress.

Step 6. Promoting Your Facebook Giveaway

If your Facebook contest is going to be a big success, then it’s smart to start promoting the contest before publishing it. By putting in some hard work before publishing your giveaway you can increase the chances of your campaign going viral, which will help you get more entries and achieve your goals.

You can start by sending an email newsletter to your subscribers and announcing the Facebook competition on your other social media profiles.

Another option is creating a floating bar with a link to the giveaway using a plugin such as OptinMonster. You can even use FOMO on your WordPress site to get more entries, by adding a countdown timer to the floating bar.

You might even send web push notifications asking your subscribers to enter the competition or refer any friends or family members who might want to take part in the Facebook giveaway.

Step 7. Announcing The Giveaway Winners

Once your giveaway closes, you need to pick a lucky winner. RafflePress automates the whole process, so simply go to RafflePress » Giveaways.

If you scheduled the contest to end automatically, then you can simply find the giveaway and click on the ‘Need Winners’ link.

If you didn’t set an end date for the Facebook giveaway, then you can close it manually by hovering your mouse over the competition and selecting ‘End Now.’

After that, just click on the ‘Need Winners’ link that appears.

On the following page, RafflePress will show all the people who entered your Facebook contest. Just type in the number of winners you want to pick and choose whether you want to allow unverified emails to win.

If you plan to contact the winner via email, then you’ll typically want to make sure only people with verified emails can win.

After that, just click on ‘Choose Winners Now’ and RafflePress will show the winner highlighted at the top of the list.

We hope this article helped you learn how to easily add a Facebook giveaway in WordPress to boost engagement. You may also want to see our guide on how to get more traffic to your WordPress website or our pick of the best WordPress Facebook plugins.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Add a Facebook Giveaway in WordPress to Boost Engagement first appeared on WPBeginner.

How to Host Local Fonts in WordPress for a Faster Website

Do you want to add third-party fonts to your website without slowing down your website speed?

Custom fonts improve the typography and user experience of your website, but they take longer to load. The good news is that you can host your fonts locally to ensure your website is always fast.

In this article, we’ll show you how to host local fonts in WordPress.

Why Host Fonts Locally in WordPress?

While typography and custom fonts can improve the overall website aesthetics, they do have a negative impact on your WordPress performance. For example, if you are using a custom font from Google fonts, then they’re loaded from third-party services which will slow down your website.

Luckily, there is a way to use custom fonts without slowing down your site. A new Webfonts API was introduced in WordPress 6.0. This allows you to host fonts locally so they load faster.

Another reason to host Google Fonts locally is to stay GDPR compliant. That’s an important legal consideration if you have website visitors from the European Union.

When someone visits a website that uses Google Fonts, their IP address is logged by Google when the fonts are loaded. Because this is done without their permission, the EU now considers that a breach of privacy regulations, and you may be liable for damages.

That being said, let’s take a look at how to host local fonts in WordPress for a faster website. We’ll cover two methods, and the first method is recommended for most users.

Method 1: Hosting Local Fonts in WordPress With a Plugin

The first thing you need to do is install and activate the OMGF (Optimize My Google Fonts) plugin. For more details, see our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

OMGF is one of the best WordPress typography plugins. It offers a beginner-friendly way to improve performance and GDPR compliance by hosting Google Fonts locally.

Upon activation, you need to visit Settings » Optimize Google Fonts to configure the plugin. You should be looking at the ‘Optimize Fonts’ tab.

Notice the statement under the ‘Optimize Google Fonts’ heading that you just need to use the default settings to automatically replace your Google Fonts with locally hosted copies.

That means that as you scroll down the settings page, all you need to do is make sure that the ‘Font-Display Option’ has the default setting of ‘Swap (recommended)’ selected.

All you need to do now is click the ‘Save & Optimize’ button at the bottom of the page.

You’ll see a message at the top of the screen that says ‘Optimization completed successfully.’

Congratulations! Your Google Fonts are now hosted locally. Your website will load faster and you have reduced the risk of European lawsuits.

Method 2: Hosting Local Fonts in WordPress Manually

You can also host fonts locally without using a plugin by using the @font-face method from our guide on how to add custom fonts in WordPress. While this method requires more work, it allows you to use any font that you like on your website.

You need to download the fonts you wish to use in a web format. There are many places to find great free web fonts, such as Google Fonts, Typekit, FontSquirrel, and more.

If you do not have the web format for your font, then you can convert it using the FontSquirrel Webfont generator.

Now you need to store the fonts on your WordPress hosting server. You can upload the files using FTP or using your host’s cPanel File Manager.

You should create a new folder called ‘fonts’ in the directory of your theme or child theme and upload it there.

Once you have uploaded the font, you need to load the font in your theme’s stylesheet using custom CSS. You can add the code directly to your theme’s style.css file, or by using the Additional CSS section of the theme customizer.

You can do that using CSS3 @font-face rule like this:

@font-face {
font-family: Arvo;
src: url(;
font-weight: normal;

Don’t forget to replace the font family and URL with your own.

After that, you can use that font anywhere in your theme’s stylesheet or the Additional CSS section of the theme customizer. The CSS you use will depend on your theme and where you wish to use the local font. Here’s an example from our demo website:

h1 {
font-family: Arvo, Arial, sans-serif;

As you can see, our heading is now using the locally hosted Arvo font.

We hope this tutorial helped you learn how to host local fonts in WordPress for a faster website. You may also want to learn how to increase your blog traffic, or check out our list of must have WordPress plugins to grow your site.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Host Local Fonts in WordPress for a Faster Website first appeared on WPBeginner.

10 Best Sites for Website Design Inspiration

As a website designer, staying inspired is critical to keep up with the ever-evolving web design landscape. With the influx of new web technologies and design trends, it can be difficult to stay motivated and inspired throughout the creative process. Thankfully, there are a variety of online resources that provide free access to website design inspiration. In this post, we will discuss the best sites for website design inspiration, so you can stay ahead of the curve and create stunning, functional designs for your clients.

10 Best Sites for Website Design Inspiration

The following resources will help you brainstorm creative solutions and keep your design ideas fresh and unique. By the end of the post, you’ll have a comprehensive list of sites to turn to for design inspiration. So, let’s take a look at some of the most valuable website design inspiration sites out there.

1. Awwwards

Awwwards is a popular website that showcases some of the best designs on the web. The site features a wide variety of websites, including personal blogs, e-commerce sites, and large corporate sites. Each website is carefully selected and rated by a panel of judges based on design, usability, and creativity.

In addition to featuring beautiful websites, Awwwards also offers a range of resources for designers, including articles, tutorials, and webinars. The site also hosts events, including conferences and workshops, for designers to connect and learn from each other.

2. Dribbble

Dribbble is a community-driven platform for designers to share their work and get feedback from their peers. The site features a wide variety of design work, including website design, branding, and illustration.

One of the great things about Dribbble is that it allows designers to share their processes and ideas, giving other designers a glimpse into their creative process. In addition to being a source of inspiration, Dribbble is also a great place to find talented designers and connect with other professionals in the industry.

3. Behance

Behance is a platform for creatives to showcase their work and connect with potential clients. The site features a wide variety of design work, including website design, graphic design, and illustration.

In addition to showcasing design work, Behance also offers a range of resources for designers, including articles, tutorials, and job opportunities. The site also hosts events and workshops for designers to connect and learn from each other.

4. Pinterest

Pinterest is a popular social media platform that allows users to discover and save ideas for their various projects. While Pinterest is not specifically a design-focused site, it can be a great source of inspiration for website design.

To find website design inspiration on Pinterest, simply search for keywords related to web design and browse through the results. You can also follow specific boards or users that specialize in web design.

5. CSS Zen Garden

CSS Zen Garden is a simple but powerful website that showcases the creative possibilities of CSS (Cascading Style Sheets). The site features a single HTML file with a variety of different styles applied to it, demonstrating the power of CSS in creating visually stunning websites.

CSS Zen Garden is a great source of inspiration for designers looking to push the boundaries of CSS and create unique and visually appealing designs.

6. SiteInspire

SiteInspire is a curated directory of website design inspiration. The site features a wide variety of websites, including personal blogs, e-commerce sites, and corporate websites. Each website is carefully selected and organized by category for easy browsing.

In addition to showcasing beautiful websites, SiteInspire also offers a range of resources for designers, including articles and tutorials.

7. Lapa.Ninja hosts a growing collection of beautiful landing page inspiration from across the web. Their database of web design inspiration is updated daily, and anyone is welcome to submit a landing page for consideration.

Landing pages featured on are divided into a whopping 47 categories. Looking for illustration-based designs? Websites using gradients? There’s a category for that. There’s also the option to filter designs by color, which can come in handy if you need color palette inspiration.

8. CSS Nectar

CSS Nectar is another great source of web design inspiration that is vetted by a team of design experts. Here you can browse websites by category, color, feature, and country.

With their vetting process, you can rest assured that the websites featured on CSS Nectar are high quality and worthy of your time. Submitting a website costs just $5, and the fee is refunded if the website isn’t approved. Similarly to Awwwards, CSS Nectar rates each website categorically. As you’re browsing, you can see how each website scores on design, coding, and creativity. The ratings are user-generated, and anyone is welcome to vote.

9. Best Website Gallery

Best Website Gallery features top-tier website designs, handpicked by designer and developer David Hellman. What started as one man’s bookmark collection has evolved over the years into one of the top sites for web design inspiration.

A unique and time-saving feature of Best Website Gallery is the display of multiple screenshots from each featured website. Instead of clicking through to a live website and navigating to different pages, you can view a snapshot of many different pages at once, all laid out on a single page.

10. Webflow Showcase

If you’re a Webflow user, the Webflow Showcase is a great place to find website design inspiration for your work. Sort designs by popularity to see what’s currently trending. Plus, you can filter by animation, interaction, template, CMS, e-commerce, and portfolio to find more specific examples.

When you’re designing for a particular website platform, you may be faced with certain inherent limitations. In that case, it’s helpful to browse web design inspiration specific to that platform so that you can see what’s possible. The Webflow Showcase offers just that.

Wrapping Up

The sites mentioned above are the ones that are curated and updated regularly. With a wealth of options available, designers can take their creativity to the next level and create truly unique and impactful designs. By exploring the various design elements, trends, and techniques available on these sites, designers can create websites that stand out from the crowd and make a lasting impression.

Read more informative blogs by us here!

The post 10 Best Sites for Website Design Inspiration appeared first on 99 Robots.

How to Get Email Notification for Post Changes in WordPress

Do you want to get email notifications for post changes in WordPress?

By default, WordPress doesn’t send notifications when posts are changed by a user. If you run a multi-author WordPress site, then you may want to stay informed about post changes on your website.

In this article, we will show how to get email notifications for post changes in WordPress.

Why Set Up Email Notifications for Post Changes in WordPress?

If you’re the only one working on your own WordPress website, then it is easier to keep an eye on everything that is happening on your website.

However, if you have other authors writing blog posts, or SEO specialists optimizing blog posts for SEO, then you may want to keep an eye on the changes they make.

For instance, you may want to be alerted when a new post is published or if changes were made to an older article.

This also helps all team members be accountable. If they make a mistake, then it can be easily caught and remedied quickly.

That said, let’s take a look at how to get email notifications for post changes in WordPress. We’ll cover two methods so you can choose one that works best for you. We’ll also show you how to undo post changes and make sure your notification emails are delivered.

Method 1: Getting Notifications for Post Changes Using WP Activity Log

This method is recommended for all users as it is easy, powerful, and flexible.

The first thing you need to do is install and activate the WP Activity Log plugin. For more details, see our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you’ll be asked to enter your license key. You can find this information under your account on the WP Activity Log website.

Next, you’ll be given the option to run the setup wizard. You can answer a few quick questions to set up important monitoring and logging features.

All these things can be changed later in plugin settings too.

Setting Up Email Notifications for Post Changes in WordPress

After that, you need to visit the WP Activity Log » Email & SMS Notifications page and switch to the ‘Content Changes’ tab.

You will see a message that a helper plugin is needed to enable SMS notifications.

If you want to receive SMS notifications as well as email notifications, then simply click the button labeled ‘Install the helper plugin’. You will finish setting up SMS notifications in the next step.

Now you need to select the events that will trigger notifications. The plugin comes with three default notifications covering most content changes.

Next to each event, you need to enter the email address the notifications should be sent to. In the next step, you will also add a mobile phone number if you want to get SMS notifications for post changes.

Finally, click on the ‘Save Notifications’ button to store your changes.

Setting Up SMS Notifications for Post Changes in WordPress

WP Activity Log allows you to easily receive SMS notifications for post changes and other WordPress activities. To do that, you’ll need a Twilio account and a phone number.

Twillio is a paid service with a pay-as-you-go pricing model for SMS messages. Pricing starts at $0.0079 per SMS, and you’ll also need to purchase a virtual phone number which will be used to send messages.

Simply go to the Twilio website and signup for a free trial account.

After setting up your account, you’ll reach the Twilio Console.

Here, you can copy your Account SID, Auth Token, and get a trial phone number.

Copy and paste these values to a text editor or leave this browser tab open.

Next, you need to switch back to your WordPress website admin area and visit the WP Activity Log » Settings page. From here, switch to the SMS Provider tab and enter your Twilio Account SID, Auth token, and number.

Don’t forget to click on the ‘Save Changes’ button to store your settings.

Now you can navigate back to WP Activity Log » Email & SMS Notifications and switch back to the ‘Content Changes’ tab. Here you can add a mobile phone number to get SMS notifications for post changes.

Testing Post Change Notifications with WP Activity Log

WP Activity Log allows you to easily test your post change notifications.

First, make sure you are on the ‘Content Changes’ tab of the WP Activity Log » Notifications page.

Now you can scroll down and click the ‘Test Notifications’ button.

This will bring up a popup window where you can enter an email address and a mobile phone number to send notifications.

WP Activity Log will then send test notifications. If you do not receive an email notification right away, then you can jump to the section below on troubleshooting email notifications.

If you fail to receive SMS notifications, then check your Twilio credentials to make sure they are correct.

Method 2: Getting Notifications for Post Changes With Better Notifications for WP

This method is easy to use, but it doesn’t come with ready-made templates. While this method will send an email notification when a post is changed, you will have to write the email yourself and investigate the activity on your own.

First, you need to install and activate the Customize WordPress Emails and Alerts – Better Notifications for WP plugin. For more details, see our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

Upon activation, you need to visit the Notifications » Add New page to create your first custom notification.

First, you need to provide a title for the notification. After that, you can choose a ‘Notification For’ option from the drop-down menu. This is the event that will trigger this notification, such as ‘Post Updated’ in the screenshot above.

If you like, you can check the ‘Additional Email Fields’ box so you can enter custom email addresses for the sender, cc, and more. If this option is left unchecked, then the plugin will simply use your default WordPress email settings.

Next, you need to select the users or user roles that will receive this notification under the ‘Send To’ option. Below that you can write the email subject and the message itself.

The Better Notifications for WP plugin doesn’t come with a template for post changes. This means you’ll need to write your own email message.

The plugin comes with a bunch of shortcodes that you can use to customize your notifications. You can view all of them by clicking on the ‘Find Shortcodes’ button.

Lastly, you need to click on the ‘Save’ button to store your email notification. Once you’ve done that, you’ll be able to click on the ‘Send Me a Test Email’ button to see if it is working.

Better Notifications for WP is not an activity monitoring plugin. This means you’ll need to set up multiple notifications to cover different types of content changes in WordPress.

For instance, you may want to set up a ‘Post Published’ notification or another one for when a category or tag is changed.

The plugin also allows you to create custom notifications or modify default WordPress notifications as well. For more details, see our article on how to create better custom notifications in WordPress.

Revising and Undoing Post Changes in WordPress

Once you have received an email notification for post changes, you may want to see what changes were made, who made them, and when.

WordPress comes with a built-in revision management system that keeps track of all changes made to an article.

Simply edit the post or page that you want to review and then click on the ‘Revisions’ tab under the ‘Post’ settings from the right column.

This will bring you to the post revisions screen.

You can check the ‘Compare any two revisions’ box and then move the slider below to compare the changes.

When you scroll down the post, you will see the changes between the two revisions highlighted in red and green colors.

If you don’t like the changes, then you can simply click on the ‘Restore This Revision’ button to undo them and return to the previous version.

For more details, see our guide on how to undo changes in WordPress with post revisions.

Troubleshooting Email Notifications in WordPress

By default, WordPress uses the PHP mail() function to send emails. This method does not use proper authentication (login or password) which means it can be easily misused. This is why most spam filters mark such emails as spam or block them altogether.

To fix this, you need to use a proper SMTP service provider to send out WordPress emails. There are even free SMTP servers like SendLayer, Gmail, Sendinblue, Sendgrid, and more that you can use with WordPress.

To set up SMTP, you need to install and activate the WP Mail SMTP plugin. For more details, see our step-by-step guide on how to install a WordPress plugin.

WP Mail SMTP allows you to connect your WordPress site to your SMTP service provider and send all your WordPress emails with much higher deliverability.

Upon activation, you need to go to the WP Mail SMTP » Settings page in your WordPress admin area to set up the plugin.

First, you need to enter your license key. You can find this information under your account on the WP Mail SMTP website.

After that, scroll down to the ‘Mailer’ section to select your SMTP service provider. WP Mail SMTP will show all top SMTP service providers. You can click on your provider and then enter the required information below (usually an API key).

If your mailer is not listed, then you can simply choose ‘Other SMTP’ option and enter the required information.

To learn more, see our tutorial on how to fix WordPress not sending email issue.

We hope this article helped you set up email notifications for post changes in WordPress. You may also want to see our tips on getting more traffic to your blog and the best WordPress SEO plugins and tools to grow your website.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post How to Get Email Notification for Post Changes in WordPress first appeared on WPBeginner.

Why Blog? 14 Benefits of Blogging in 2023

We are often asked by users why they should blog and what are the benefits of blogging.

Blogging has been around since 1993 and has become an essential marketing tool for many businesses. But is it still relevant in the age of social media?

In this article, we’ll talk about why you should blog. And what are the benefits of blogging?

Top Reasons and Benefits of a Blog

Blogs began as a way for individuals to write about their passions, day-to-day life, and things they found interesting. They were like online journals or diaries.

However, blogging quickly became an important part of the marketing strategy for businesses due to its benefits.

Currently, there are 1.9 billion websites in the world, and over 600 million are blogs. That means that the blogging industry makes up a third of the web.

For more information, see our guide on what is a blog and how is it different from a website.

Out of these, WordPress powers more than 43% of all websites, which makes it the best website builder and the best blogging platform.

It is used by both individuals and businesses to promote their ideas, brands, stories, products, and more.

Let’s dig deeper and take a look at some of the most important benefits of blogging and why you should consider starting a blog.

1. A Blog Brings Traffic to Your Website

A typical business website consists of a few important pages. You may have a homepage, landing pages for your products/services, a contact page, and a few more.

Search engines may not find your website more important than thousands of other much older websites in the same industry.

Adding a blog allows you to publish additional content which over time will help you bring more traffic to your website.

For instance, let’s say you sell gardening hoses on your website. There are thousands of companies selling similar products and users may never find your website on their own.

However, with blogging, you can add more content relevant to the topics they’re searching for.

For instance, you can write about ‘Environment-friendly gardening tools’ or ‘water preservation.’ You can also write guides on how to maintain small lawns and gardens and more.

Writing content for a blog opens a doof for more traffic to your website, allowing you to reach more customers, gain a wider audience, and even poach business from big-name brands.

2. Blogging Helps you Generate More Leads and Conversions

Now bringing traffic to your website by creating a blog was the easy part. The more complex part is to convert that traffic into sales and growth for your business.

More than 70% of people visiting your website today, will never find it again. That’s because there is so much content and information on the internet.

A blog helps you convert website traffic into potential leads, convert them into subscribers and social media followers, and allow you to reach out to them later.

Tools like OptinMonster, help you build an email list and grow your social media following.

Add push notifications to your blog, and you can send targeted messages to your blog visitors and bring them back to your website.

3. Helps you Repurpose Content for Other Marketing Channels

To build an active marketing presence, you need to actively promote your business online.

However, the problem with a static website is that there is no new content for you to share.

Adding a blog to your website allows you to actively use blog content across your other marketing channels.

For instance, here are some ways you can reuse blog post content.

Share the link to your blog post on social mediaUse the blog post content in your email newsletterMake a YouTube video based on blog post content Edit YouTube videos to create content for TikTok, Instagram Stories, and more.

These are all the ways that we reuse WPBeginner content across our social media and marketing channels and it works really well.

4. Helps you Build Authority in Your Industry

It is harder to prove your expertise and authority on a subject if all you have is a five-page website selling your products/services.

Adding a blog allows you to regularly publish content on topics related to your industry. This helps you establish authority and win users’ trust.

If you are consistently publishing new content, you’ll become the go-to place for your users and other businesses interested in those topics.

Whether you are a business or an individual, this trust is an invaluable asset. It will unlock tremendous growth opportunities.

5. Helps You Strengthen Brand Recognition

A blog helps you strengthen your brand identity. It gives you more opportunities to use your custom logo across your website, your social profiles, search results, and more.

This brand recognition when combined with customer trust and authority adds enormous value to your digital assets.

As an individual, you get recognized by industry leaders, influencers, and enthusiasts. This opens doors to many opportunities.

Similarly, as a business, your brand becomes more valuable and this weight will be considered by any potential buyer if you want to sell your business in the future.

6. Helps You Build an Engaging Audience

A static website doesn’t leave much room for a conversation. It is uninspiring and often quite boring.

Adding a blog to your website helps you bring the conversation to your website. Now users can engage with your blog posts by leaving a comment, sharing it on social media, writing about it, and more.

We recommend all our users engage with comments and other user activity on their blogs.

It helps you build a community around your business which is extremely useful.

When people leave a few comments on your blog, they develop an affinity with your brand which pays off when they are looking to make a purchase.

These users are also more likely to recommend your products/services to their friends and family.

7. Share Business News, Announcements, Sales, and More

On a typical static website, it is hard to share your business news, announcements, sales events, and more.

A blog on the other hand makes it super easy. In fact, you can get into more details, add context, and write more persuasive content.

For instance, if you are launching a Black Friday sale, you can promote it with a blog post. And then promote that blog post across your website with a floating header or footer banner.

You can make it more rewarding for your regular users and offer a special coupon code to your blog readers.

8. Helps You Improve Long Term SEO

A static website has fewer pages and even if they are ranking high you are still limited to a fixed set of keywords.

Adding a blog allows you to target related keywords and cover more ground by writing on different but related topics.

Over a period of time, you will have multiple posts ranking top on several keywords. Each of these pieces of content is like a soldier in your army.

If you properly optimize WordPress SEO with All in One SEO, then you can gradually build a whole army of content.

It not only helps you rank for secondary keywords with such authority even your home page and other pages start ranking higher.

9. Beat Competition in Organic Search Traffic

A big part of keyword research is to find out what keywords your competition is ranking for.

This helps you see which keywords bring them more business, and then you can just go ahead and create your own content targeting that keyword.

Having a blog provides you plenty of room to beat your competition in organic search traffic.

For more details, see our tutorial on how to do an SEO competitor analysis in WordPress.

10. Allows You to Educate Customers

When asked why they read blog posts, 33% of people said they wanted to learn something new.

Blog posts allow you to educate customers about different ways they can use your products.

You can utilize this opportunity to compare your product with competitors, showcase product features, inform users about benefits, and more.

This makes your blog posts highly valuable even for your existing customers. They can use blog articles to learn about new features that they may not be using.

Basically, it is an opportunity for you to provide real value to your users while promoting your products/services at the same time.

11. Build Additional Revenue Streams for Your Business

Blogs provide many opportunities to generate additional revenue for your business and make money online using your WordPress blog.

For instance, you can display ads in your blog posts using Google AdSense. You can also promote affiliate products and make money with affiliate marketing.

You can even use your blog to sell premium content using MemberPress or Easy Digital Downloads.

12. Helps You Learn Online Marketing

Adding a blog provides you with more opportunities to expand your marketing skills. You’ll have more content to promote which may be suitable for even more marketing channels.

For instance, you will find more opportunities to promote new posts on social media websites. You will also have more useful content to include in your newsletter.

As you explore different opportunities to promote each piece of content, you get to learn more marketing skills to reach new audiences.

13. Unlocks Partnerships and Opportunities for Growth

Blogs are a magnet to attract partnership opportunities to boost your business growth.

With all the activity going on with your blog, you will attract the attention of individuals and businesses looking for mutually beneficial opportunities.

For instance, new vendors may reach out to offer you better pricing or wholesale pricing, smaller shops may want to sell your products, large businesses may want to partner with you regionally, and more.

Similarly, if you sell services or just promoting your personal brand, then your blog may help you get the introduction to the right people. You’ll be able to gradually grow your network and influence.

14. Helps You Find Your Dream Job

Your blog may eventually lead you to find your dream job. Blogging is a popular tool to build a personal brand and promote your services and skills online.

You can show your passion, skills, and knowledge in your specific interests. This may get the attention of businesses looking for talented individuals like you.

Even if businesses don’t reach out to you, you can reach out to them. Your blog will help you see your interest, passion, and expertise in a more interesting way than a plain CV.

How to Get Started with Blogging Right Away

Getting started with a blog is quite easy.

First, you need to choose the right platform. We recommend using WordPress which is the world’s most popular blogging platform.

Now when we say WordPress, we mean and not

See the difference between and in our detailed comparison.

To start a blog, you’ll need a domain name and a hosting account.

Our friends at Bluehost are offering WPBeginner users a free domain name with a generous discount on hosting. Basically, you’ll be able to get started with just $2.75 per month.

Once you have signed up for a domain name and hosting, Bluehost will automatically install WordPress for you.

Need more help? See our complete beginner’s guide on how to start a blog with step-by-step instructions.

We hope this article helped you learn why you should blog and the benefits of blogging. You may also want to see our list of popular online business ideas or take a look at our guide on starting an online store with your blog.

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

The post Why Blog? 14 Benefits of Blogging in 2023 first appeared on WPBeginner.